Welcome to the Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville
I welcome you in the name of Christ our Blessed Saviour to the website for our Parish Community, the Anglican Parish of Derby & Blackville.
We are a Parish of the Diocese of Fredericton (which covers the Province of New Brunswick), which was founded as a Diocese separate from Nova Scotia with the arrival of our first Diocesan Bishop, John Medley, from England in 1845.
We are a Christian community or “Parish Family” served by a common priest (Rector, or Pastor) extending along the banks of the beautiful South-West Miramichi River. We gather regularly for the worship of Our Saviour in our three churches: St Agnes’ in Gray Rapids, Holy Trinity in Blackville and St Peter’s in Millerton.
Our Churches

St Peter's
4947 Route 108
Millerton, New Brunswick

Holy Trinity
298 Main Street
Blackville, New Brunswick

St Agnes'
914 Route 118
Gray Rapids, New Brunswick